Donations make a difference
Your personal contributions can be used to provide assistance such as helping to offset the cost of treatments that are not covered by insur-ance, or providing emergency assistance to families.
Financial gifts can be made to Community Health Foundation and designated specifically for Affinis Hospice. 100% of gifts designated for Affinis Hospice will go to Affinis Hospice. Community Health Foundation is a not-for-profit organization established to help meet needs in communities through out Georgia.
Your gift is tax deductible as allowed by law. If you have any questions about your contribution, please feel free to contact
Community Health Foundation at 866.269.5002. They will be happy to assist you and answer any questions.
You may also mail donations to:
Community Health Foundation
1005 Boulder Drive
Gray, GA 31032
Checks should be made payable to Community Health Foundation and please note that your donation is designated for Affinis Hospice. Memorial Gifts can also be made in remembrance of a loved one. The Foundation will send a card to acknowledge the gift to the family of the individual being remembered.